Children are a valuable part of not only God's kingdom, but the work Biblia Global does. We believe children are not tomorrow's church in waiting, they are an important part now, today. We are privileged to have multiple groups of kids who give towards and work mightily to see that God’s people get God’s Word. It is truly moving and inspiring. Age, ability, or depth of financial resources matter little in God's economy; what He desires are willing hearts and abundant giving whatever stage one is at. Two recent stories highlight God’s kids giving and serving so that every Christian has a Bible.
First, Ms. Hardin and the 1st – 6th graders of Foothills Bible Church in Littleton, CO decided to raise money for the Troas Project and “Bible Bags” for Biblia Global (bags used to help get Bibles into restricted places). Beginning in October, every month the kids heard about different places where Christians needed Bibles. Over the next three months, they reached their goal to raise $240 for the bags that Biblia Global and our friends use to carry Bibles into these places. Each bag carries thousands of Bibles into restricted nations every year and consequently see a lot of wear and tear. Way to go FBC kids!
Next, our friend, code-name “Anna” recently had her 9th birthday party. Instead of receiving gifts, she asked her friends to bring donations to help pay for Bibles for China. At Anna’s birthday party, the children heard about the need for Bibles in restricted nations. They gave their offerings to help the work as Anna had asked. Anna’s siblings had also saved from their allowance all year to help pay for Bibles for China. The kids then drew pictures of the Christians receiving the Bibles in China that they helped fund. You can see some of their pictures above and below. Thanks Anna and friends for all your hard work raising money for Bibles in China! You are a huge blessing!
For all the kids out there: keep up your hard work! We love receiving stories about how you are helping to get the word out that Christians in restricted countries need Bibles. And we love drawings too. You can send both to our address at: Biblia Global, PO Box 620892, Littleton, CO 80162